About Us
Meadow Park Sports Centre
The Whistler Sea Wolves Swim Club is an established local swim club offering competitive and recreational swimming programs. Our members come mostly from Whistler and the Pemberton Valley and train at Meadow Park Sports Centre. We offer training and competition opportunities to swimmers of all levels and ages from seven to adults. Some of our swimmers swim for fun and fitness only, while others have gone on to compete at the Provincial level.
Our Mission
Our goal is to provide a fun, inspiring swim club program that encourages people of all ages to achieve personal development and fitness through recreational and competitive swimming. We work to foster excellent swimming and life skills through a comprehensive, well-crafted and well-coached program that swimmers can bring to swimming competitions or use as cross-training in other sports, including the great sport of life.
Our Vision
We plan to grow and develop our existing program to include younger swimmers and cross-training athletes of other sports of all ages. We want to set a precedent and pathway for any aspiring young swimmer to know they can take swimming to an elite level of competition living in Whistler. We strive to be an established, exemplary, highly respected member of the swimming and local sports communities.
Our Values
The Whistler Sea Wolves embrace the True Sport Principles: striving for excellence, playing fair, respecting others, keeping it fun, staying healthy, including everyone and giving back. We value an accessible, supportive and inclusive team environment that allows children and adults to set—and eventually exceed—personal goals in a way that sets a positive precedent for them in life.