Program Overview
The Sea Wolves train from September to June at the Meadow Park Sports Centre pool in Whistler, with three separate sessions offered:
Fall: September to December
Winter: January to March
Spring: March to June
The club is open to children seven years of age (or turning seven by December 31 of the year they join the Fall session) and older who are able to meet our minimum requirements. We also run a Masters program for all levels of adult (19+) swimmers who are capable of completing two laps of the 25m pool with a recognizable freestyle stroke.
Our club prides itself on its accessibility and inclusivity for all athletes regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression (LGBTQIA2S+), race, ethnicity, culture, religion, language, education, or income. The facility provides us with accessible access (including an aqua lift), private changing rooms, and ample public transportation options.
We offer three junior development levels (Bronze, Silver, Gold) and swimmers advance through the levels as they master specific swimming skills: learning and implementing the four competitive strokes (freestyle, backstroke, breaststroke and butterfly), competitive starts and turns, and building good technique for endurance. Typically, these groups train between two and four times a week.
From there, athletes who are able to commit to a full competitive training program become part of our senior competitive development program (Platinum). This group focuses on achieving competitive racing times, refining skills and strokes, and participating in regional and provincial competitions. The Platinum group typically trains between four and five days a week, both before and after school.
The Sea Wolves Swim Club strongly encourages cross-training. Many of our members participate and excel in other sports; their swimming enhances their overall physical conditioning while providing advanced skill development.