Code of Conduct
Whistler Sea Wolves ("WSWSC") Code of Best Practices and Conduct ("Code")
In order to best serve the needs of our organization and ensure continued success of our competitive swimmers, the Whistler Sea Wolves Swim Club has adopted a Code of Best Practices and Conduct based on Swim BC guidelines. Specifically, this Code will address what type of behaviour WSWSC expects from our parents and swimmers and what behaviour WSWSC will not tolerate from parents or athletes. For each LMR swimmer parent, this policy must be reviewed each season and acknowledged. Our organization is fortunate to have experienced, professional coaches who give their time and energy to help our children to become better swimmers and more importantly, better individuals. As an organization of parents, it is our obligation to ensure our coaching staff is given the respect, authority, and support they deserve.
Learn, respect, and compete by the rules.
Respect your opponents and colleagues and their property. Do not steal, move, or wreck their property.
Don't lie, cheat, or steal.
Respect all coaches and officials.
Support all efforts to eliminate any verbal and physical abuse from the pool. Resolve conflicts at the pool or at meets without resorting to hostility, violence, or verbal abuse.
Accept responsibility for your actions and behaviour.
Be prepared for practise and meets. Show up on time. Communicate with your coach on availability.
At meets, pay attention to your heats and show up times. Be prepared. Support your teammates. Learn what it takes to compete. Internalize, and follow the rules.
Regularly thank a volunteer official (and a parent or coach).
Encourage your child to understand and follow the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or frustration.
Teach your child that doing one’s best is as important as winning. Offer praise to each and all for competing fairly and trying hard.
Do not yell at, or ridicule, your child, coach, or official for making a mistake or for losing a competition.
Children learn best by example. Applaud good performances from all competitors.
Communicate through your coaches. They work hard for and with your kids.
Respect and support ALL officials who participate and volunteer at the pool. Do not question an official's or staff's honesty. Respect pool deck rules.
Be polite. Demonstrate sportsmanship. Teach winning gracefully and losing graciously. Recognize DQs and logistical miscues sometimes happen, especially at the early stages of a swim career, and are a legitimate learning experience.
Support all efforts to remove verbal and physical abuse of any kind. Maintain self-control at all times. It is considered unfair to expect coaches to act as a ‘police agency’ during events. It is the responsibility of all parents to self police any inappropriate situation(s) at events. Everyone should use common sense, have a rational evaluation of a situation, and act and guide colleagues accordingly.
The only point of contact with any officials at meets should be through the coach. The coach will then communicate with officials if appropriate.
Know your role, especially during practises and meets. Swimmers swim and know where to be, when to report, and what to do (it is part of the sport). Coaches coach, guide, manage and communicate. Officials officiate and volunteer their time to us. Parents support their athletes and support the Club through volunteering.
Make an appointment with a coach outside of practice to discuss issues.
Read the "Parent's Resource Guide", section 11, in the Swim BC Swim Guide to familiarize yourself with the world of swimming.
The Board will not tolerate any of the following behaviour from Parents (or if applicable, athletes): coaching athletes during competition, interrupting coaching staff during practise or competition, abusive language of any sort, any behaviour that brings discredit or disruption to our athletes, colleagues, or our club, any communication including electronic that is demoralizing to any member, coach or to the organization.
The above list of directives is not, and cannot be, all inclusive. "Treat those the way you wish to be treated".
SHOULD I CONDUCT MYSELF IN SUCH A WAY THAT BRINGS DISCREDIT OR DISCORD TO THE PRACTICE GROUP, SWIM MEET, CLUB, OR BOARD, I VOLUNTARILY SUBJECT MYSELF TO DISCIPLINARY ACTION AT THE BOARD'S DISCRETION. Actions may include a discussion and/or written warning with/or without probationary period, a non refund for the remainder of the session, with immediate and/or permanent expulsion. Such action may or may not include a preliminary warning and will be at the final, exclusive, and non-negotiable discretion of the Board. I UNDERSTAND THAT WSWSC RESERVES THE RIGHT TO TERMINATE ANY PARENT (AND HIS OR HER CHILD MEMBER) IN THE INTEREST OF OUR CLUB VISION, MISSION AND OBJECTIVES.
I acknowledge that as part of registration, I have read and agree to the above Code of Best Practises and Conduct.
Parent (or Legal Guardian) Signature:
_______________________________________ Date: ____________________________